Software 42505 Published by

Isaac Marovitz has announced the release of a new Whisky pre-release. Whisky is based on CrossOver 22.1.1 and Apple's Game Porting Toolkit and offers a clear and simple graphical wrapper for Wine to create and manage bottles, install and run Windows programs and games, and maximize the capabilities of your Mac without the need for technical expertise.

Whisky Pre-release 0.2.4

Quality of Life:

  • Added Dutch Locale
  • Added Italian Locale
  • Added Vietnamese Locale
  • Added Turkish Locale
  • Added Portuguese Locale
  • Added Japanese Locale
  • Added buttons to open Registry Editor and Control Panel in Config View
  • Better logs

New Features:

  • Windows build number can now be changed in Config View

Bug Fixes:

  • Bottle names will now be validated to prevent invalid bottles from being created
  • Run... menu will open in C Drive by default
  • Added back old PE icon parsing in order to fix Program Icons for those who don't have CrossOver installed

New Contributors:

Full Changelog pre-0.2.3...pre-0.2.4


Release Pre-release 0.2.4 · IsaacMarovitz/Whisky