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Bill Hollings has announced the release of the MoltenVK Vulkan SDK 1.3.280.

MoltenVK Release for Vulkan SDK 1.3.280

  • Add support for extensions:
    • VK_KHR_shader_integer_dot_product
  • Improve support for iOS App Store rules by using dynamic XCFramework, instead of naked dylib.
    • Static XCFramework now available in Package/Latest/MoltenVK/static/MoltenVK.xcframework.
    • Dynamic XCFramework now available in Package/Latest/MoltenVK/dynamic/MoltenVK.xcframework.
    • macOS dynamic library now available in Package/Latest/MoltenVK/dynamic/dylib/macOS/libMoltenVK.dylib.
  • Add MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API build setting to allow MoltenVK to be built with access to Metal private API calls.
    • VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::wideLines enabled when MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API is enabled in a MoltenVK build.
    • VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::logicOp enabled when MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API is enabled in a MoltenVK build.
    • VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures::depthBounds enabled on AMD GPUs when MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API is enabled in a MoltenVK build.
    • VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetFeaturesKHR::samplerMipLodBias enabled when MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API is enabled in a MoltenVK build.
    • Metal native pipeline sample masks supported when MVK_USE_METAL_PRIVATE_API is enabled in a MoltenVK build.
  • Enable use of native texture atomics where supported.
  • Fix potential crash when using multi-planar images.
  • Fix translation of fully remapped multi vertex attribute bindings.
  • Fix unresolvable layered compute resolve.
  • Fix visionOS build.
  • Handle depth/stencil swizzle sample correctly.
  • Ensure buffers available for buffer addresses in push constants.
  • Don't update currentExtent of headless surface when swapchain attached.
  • Don't return VK_SUBOPTIMAL_KHR for headless surfaces.
  • runcts script also output a file containing a list of the failed CTS tests.
  • Add documentation for using Metal GPU capture with MoltenVK.
  • Update minimum macOS deployment target to 10.15.
  • Update minimum iOS/tvOS deployment target to 13.0.
  • Update dependency libraries to match Vulkan SDK 1.3.280.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross:
    • MSL: Plumb through member state to image/sampler types.
    • MSL: Support variable sized descriptor array in argument buffer.
    • MSL: Implement spvDescriptorArray path for SSBO/UBO.
    • MSL: Add support for SPV_EXT_integer_dot_product.
    • MSL: Fix misc sign issues with dot product impl and add more coverage.
    • MSL: Handle volatile properly for emulated image atomics.
    • MSL: OpCopyObject declare a temp var of base type, not pointer type.
    • MSL: Pass texture array index separately to atomic texture operations.
    • MSL: Test image atomic for image2DArray.
    • MSL: Improve handling of BDA + atomics.
    • MSL: Fix type hierarchy for extended vectors.
    • MSL: Fix type hierarchy for extended vectors.
    • MSL: atomic_compare_exchange_weak() support CompilerMSL:msl_options.texture_1D_as_2D.

Release Release for Vulkan SDK 1.3.280 · KhronosGroup/MoltenVK