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Bill Hollings has announced the release of MoltenVK Vulkan SDK 1.3.211.

Release for Vulkan SDK 1.3.211

  • Add support for extensions:
    • VK_EXT_sample_locations (Custom locations settable via vkCmdBeginRenderPass() only,
      since VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT::variableSampleLocations is false).
  • Fixes to pipeline layout compatibility between sequentially bound pipelines.
  • Reinstate memory barriers on non-Apple GPUs, which were inadvertently disabled in an earlier update.
  • Support base vertex instance support in shader conversion.
  • Fix alignment between outputs and inputs between shader stages when using nested structures.
  • Fix issue where the depth component of a stencil-only renderpass attachment was incorrectly attempting to be stored.
  • Fix deletion of GPU counter MTLFence while it is being used by MTLCommandBuffer.
  • Fix crash in vkGetMTLCommandQueueMVK().
  • Fix leak of CoreFoundation objects during calls to vkUseIOSurfaceMVK().
  • Remove limit on VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::maxSamplerAllocationCount when not using Metal argument buffers.
  • Avoid adjusting SRGB clear color values by half-ULP on GPUs that round float clear colors down.
  • Fixes to optimize resource objects retained by descriptors beyond their lifetimes.
  • Optimize behavior for VK_COMMAND_BUFFER_USAGE_ONE_TIME_SUBMIT_BIT when
  • MoltenVKShaderConverter tool defaults to the highest MSL version supported on runtime OS.
  • Update glslang version, to use python3 in glslang scripts, to replace missing python on macOS 12.3.
  • Update VK_MVK_MOLTENVK_SPEC_VERSION to version 34.
  • Update to latest SPIRV-Cross:
    • MSL: Support input/output blocks containing nested struct arrays.
    • MSL: Use var name instead of var-type name for flattened interface members.
    • MSL: Handle aliased variable names for resources placed in IB struct.
    • MSL: Handle awkward mix and match of Offset / ArrayStride in constants.
    • MSL: Append entry point args to local variable names to avoid conflicts.
    • MSL: Consider that gl_IsHelperInvocation can be Volatile.
    • MSL: Refactor and fix use of quadgroup vs simdgroup.
    • Handle OpTerminateInvocation.
    • Fixup names of anonymous inner structs.
    • Fix regression from adding 64-bit switch support.

Release for Vulkan SDK 1.3.211