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Solesignal today releases SmartBackup 4, an important update to their SSD optimised backup and cloning utility for macOS

SmartBackup features a custom SSD optimised multi-thread capable sync engine which can take advantage of the full speed of modern SSD/Flash based storage. When copying between SSD/Flash Volumes, version 4.1.3 is up to twice as fast creating a new bootable clone of macOS compared to other utilities.


* Very easy to set up and configure
* Creates bootable clones of macOS
* Performs folder syncs or backups
* Optionally creates searchable archives of all changed or deleted files
* Built-in scheduling
* Multithread capable 64-bit sync engine, fully leveraging the performance of SSD/Flash
* Supports pre-allocation on Xsan/StorNext volumes
* Commandline mode to be called from your python or shell scripts

Copying only one file at a time is only optimal for spinning harddisks. To achive the best possibe performance on now common Flash or SSD disks, or RAID storage, file copies need to be parallelised. SmartBackup 4's custom sync engine is multi-thread capable for those disks and will run modern storage at full speed.

System Requirements:
* macOS 10.10 or later

Pricing and Availability:
SmartBackup 4 is now available for free from Solesignal online.

  SSD optimised cloning and folder-sync utility for macOS is now free